Sadler Gibb & Associates is registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. This board regulates the way CPA firms conducted public company financial audits.


The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the national, professional organization for all Certified Public Accountants. It provides members with resources, information, and leadership; Advocacy, Certification and Licensing, Communications, Recruiting and Education, and Standards and Performance. Each of our partners are members of the AICPA.


The Utah Association of CPAs is a 501c(6) win-profit individual membership association for Certified Public Accountants. UACPA membership is comprised of approximately 3,200 CPSs and affiliate members, most of which live in Utah, and serve public accounting, business and management, government, and education.


The Canadian Public Accountability Board was incorporated in 2003 under the Canada Corporation Act. It’s mission is to contribute to public confidence in the integrity of financial reporting issuers in Canada by promoting high quality, independent auditing.